
Next Taster and Course coming soon!

Awareness Through Movement Taster on the 2nd of November, Wednesday 10.45am @ the Chapel House Studios!

It will be followed by a weekly course of 6 classes.

If you would like to get to know yourself better, you can do it through movement!

We lie on the floor, slow it down, make it small. We listen to the way we move and try new possibilities. We learn to make it easy. We rest a lot. We feel the difference.

All you need is curiosity and willingness to be aware and feel yourself.

Get in touch to book or for more information.



Individual Functional Integration lessons on offer!

I have finally finished my 4 year Feldenkrais teacher training!

It is sad to be leaving the training and the luxury of being a student, but i am also very excited about flying the nest and spreading my Feldenkrais wings. Feels like the real learning is just beginning.

I will be offering individual Functional Integration lessons from the Ola Chiropractic on Wednesday afternoons. Read more about Functional Integration lessons here.

Introductory offer! £25 for a one off or £60 for a series of 3 weekly lessons (recommended) payed upfront or on the first appointment. This offer is only until the end of October. So come and book in now to try it out!

The lessons will last between 60 and 75 min.

Cancellation fees apply.


Autumn Term – Awareness Through Movement classes

We are starting in September with a taster and a new block of classes!

If you are curious and looking for a space to slow down and pay attention, to feel yourself than join us to try Feldenkrais!

  • 7 September Wednesday – taster class £6
  • 14 Sep to 19 Oct, Wednesdays – six week course £48

Classes are held at 10.45-11.45am on Wednesdays at Studio 2, Chapel House Studios in Totnes.

It is best to join at the beginning of a course, but drop-ins or to try a class throughout the course may be arranged on request.

Drop-ins £10 or bring a friend for £5 each.

Bring your mat and/or blanket to lie on and wear warm and comfortable clothes to allow easy movement.

JuditMeixner FlyerAutumn16 ONLINE

Next Feldenkrais Workshop – Handy Connections

Handy Connections aka Fingers and Hands Connecting to Back, Chest and Eyes is the theme of the next workshop.

6 AUG @ The Chapel House Studios 11AM ’til 1.30PM £22

Our hands are precious. They are part of almost everything we do, enriching our lives greatly. They are our tools to make and do things we want.
Just think of how much you use your hands and fingers during a day. And how often do you stop to look at them, feel them and appreciate their refined skills that evolved to interact with your environment? We often take their function for granted. Until of course something happens and they don’t work the way they used to.
Perhaps if your profession or passion involves directly the use of hands e.g. playing an instrument, making art or craft, sport (tennis, climbing, …), working on a computer, therapy, using heavy machinery, than you are perhaps more aware of the importance of the proper functioning of the hands.
What do you do to care for your hands?

This workshop will focus on developing more sensitivity and coordination in the hands and fingers. There will be attention on noticing unnecessary tension in the hands, fingers, arms and shoulders. The support of the back and chest is important for shoulder stability which than reflects on the ease of movement, good function and softness of the hands, wrists and elbows.

The workshop will consist of two Awareness Through Movement classes with a break in between. Bring your curiosity, questions, experiences and ideas. There should be some time for sharing and talk throughout the break if you want to.

Bring a mat and a blanket to lie on. Wear comfortable and loose clothes warm enough for slow movement and stillness.

No previous experience necessary.

Get in touch if you would like to book or need more information.
JuditMeixner FlyerHandyConnectionsJul16

Messages getting lost and found eventually!

I have been experiencing some problems with the messaging service of the website. The messages weren’t coming through to my mailbox since May, they seem to be getting stuck in the system somewhere. Not so easy to tackle the technology!

Please use alternative email address to get in touch: or call me on 07585 447450.  Thank you and sorry for this inconvenience. I am working on resolving this issue!


This is now repaired! and the website is working as it should be! Thank you for your patience.

Balanced Walking Feldenkrais Workshop

28 May (Saturday) from 11.30 till 1.30pm in Totnes @ Chapel House Studios.
The theme is Balanced Walking.
Why walking? 
Well, I had a few people interested in exploring walking and I am being drawn to it more and more with the warming weather and a doggy.
I didn’t used to like walking. I loved being in the woods, mountains and long beaches but the activity of walking never excited me. I much rather cycled, swam, roller skate, ski, ice skate, or caught a bus, get a lift or drive.
But this has changed since i have been learning Feldenkrais. I now find the action of walking a dynamic and interesting way of moving. It can be an exercise, fun or a very relaxing and calming activity. It all depends on the HOW?!
It is when i discovered that walking is a whole body movement that i started liking it. It felt good. I wasn’t just dragging my legs and falling forward to get somewhere, but actually began enjoying the journey, noticing how all the different parts of me were moving in harmony, cooperating together or not, now that can be very interesting! 🙂
This 2 hour workshop will consist of two Awareness Through Movement lessons with a short break in between. They will explore the different elements of walking and how they come together into a pleasant and graceful movement. The lessons are design to produce a learning environment. 
Open to all, no experience needed!
The cost is £18. There is a deposit of £10 payable in advance to secure your place and so i know how many people to expect.
If you need more information or unsure if it is the right thing for you, get in touch.

Next term of Awarness Through Movement classes!

The next term is starting with a Taster class on Tuesday 12 April at 10.45am in Studio 2 at the Chapel House Studios!

It will be followed by a 6 week block on Wednesdays at 10.45am from 20April – 25 May.

Spring is breathing life into nature! The days are getting longer and the sun is warming up the soil that pops out new flower buds and beautifully fresh green leaves every day.

By feeling ourselves and learning new ways to move, reducing unnecessary effort we can find ease and move in life with more vitality and the energy of spring from within. If you haven’t tried Feldenkrais this is the time to try something new!

Cost: Taster £6, block of 6 classes £48, drop-ins £10 (first-timers £8) or bring a friend for £5 each.

Get in touch to book.


Next block of 5 Awareness Through Movement classes

Last Wednesday we finished the first block of 5 in the winter term 2016. It was great to watch and observe the somatic learning of the participants and hearing how they are benefiting from the lessons.

There will be no class next week/half term week.

We continue the exploration and learning about ourselves on 24Feb at 10.45am @ Studio 2, Chapel House Studios.

If you haven’t tried and feel interested to find out more about the Feldenkrais Method get in touch and try a class.

If it is your first time I will ask you to come 15min before the class to give a little introduction. Bring a mat & blanket to lie on. Wear warm and loose clothes to allow free movement.

Cost: Block of 5 classes £40, first time to try a class £8 or bring a friend for £5 each, drop-ins £10.